Oak Trees Café


The Oak Trees Café is designed to be a place where the whole family can enjoy themselves. Parents can relax with a cup of coffee while their children explore the play area.

Eine Auszeit für die ganze Familie

Das Oak Trees Café ist ein gemütlicher Treffpunkt für Familien mit Kindern. Mit seiner warmen und einladenden Atmosphäre lädt das Café Eltern ein, sich eine Auszeit zu nehmen. Die Spielecke des Cafés bietet den kleinen Gästen eine unterhaltsame und sichere

Umgebung, in der sie environment for young children to play, explore and make new friends. The Oak Trees Café is a place where families can spend quality time together and create memorable moments.

The logo features a squirrel in front of an oak leaf. The squirrel in the logo represents curiosity, vibrancy and the joy of discovery. The oak tree is a symbol of community as it often provides a lot of living space and shade. The logo conveys the welcoming and communal atmosphere of the Oak Trees Café. The café is a place for families to meet, share ideas and enjoy each other's company.

Illustrations that enchant

The illustrations in Oak Trees Café are a special feature that give the café a unique atmosphere. Carefully designed and artfully placed, they create a welcoming and inspiring environment for visitors. The illustrations have been deliberately chosen to convey the values and messages of Oak Trees, to inspire a child's curiosity and to stimulate the imagination of guests. A welcoming and familiar atmosphere is created because the illustrations are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also an expression of creativity and individual style. They give the café its own identity and make it a distinctive place.

Es wird eine einladende und familiäre Atmosphäre geschaffen, denn die Illustrationen sind nicht nur ästhetisch ansprechend, sondern auch Ausdruck von Kreativität und individuellem Stil. Sie verleihen dem Café eine eigene Identität und machen es zu einem unverwechselbaren Ort.

The colour palette of the Oak Trees Café has been carefully chosen to create a calming and welcoming atmosphere. The colour palette uses natural colour elements that have a soothing effect on visitors. The tones create a relaxed atmosphere and invite guests to feel at ease. The use of pastel colours also reflects Oak Trees Café's closeness to nature and creates a connection to the peace and harmony of nature.


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